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Pro Hart Paints from The HEART

On the 16th September 1989, Little Joseph Willoughby died suddenly at only seven months of age. His death has been established as Sudden Infant Death Syndrome, previously known as Cot death.

Little Joseph was the Grandson of the famous Pro Hart, both Pro and his wife Raylee have been deeply affected by this tragedy. Joseph was the second child of Craig and Julie Willoughby
(Son-in-law and D\aughter) of Pro Hart.

On the morning of his grandson's funeral, Pro went into the desert to reflect and ponder the event, and while there picked a bunch of Wildflowers for his daughter Julie, to place on Joseph's grave.

However at arriving home following the funeral, Julie was still clutching the array of wildflowers. It was then her father caringly took the flowers to be put into water, but was moved to make a lasting epitaph for Joseph.
So on taking the flowers, he then, overwhelmed by grief, locked himself in his studio, and set about capturing the life, Colour and Movement represented in the flowers. This painting has become a form of memorial to Joseph's memory. Joseph's painting is a reflection of the abstract feelings that come with such tragedy, yet offer hope through the use of vibrant colours and unrestrained application of the paint.

Julie and Craig have the support of a strong Christian family, but are aware that this is not always the case, and wanted in some way to offer hope and help to other grieving families who face the devastating loss. So the Joseph Willoughby Foundation was set up to raise funds for research, awareness and practical help for families who are suffering through a S.I.D.S related death. A limited number of these prints are still available signed by Pro, Julie and Craig

The Queensland SIDS Foundation as Trustees of the Joseph Willoughby Foundation can
be contacted on (07) 3849 7122

Ordering and Information

Julie Hart gallery     08 80874448 

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