Julie Hart
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The Julie Hart Story
I am the youngest daughter of Pro and Raylee Hart. There are 5 children in our family. John , Kym, Marie myself and David, and we all paint. I was born in Broken Hill NSW(Australia), where I have lived most of my life, ( apart from my years at Woodlands girls College in South Australia ). I enjoy living in Broken Hill as it affords the benefits of a city, whilst the advantages of the outback. I had my first “real showing” at Wagga Wagga in 1981 when I was 14yrs old. I have painted almost my whole life with Dad,(Pro Hart) until his passing in 2006. Mum says she remembers me waddling in, in my nappy to sit and paint just like Dad. So in his studio’s (there where many), he would always build a spare easel next to his for me to paint on. And the other siblings would do the same. Dad would always “con” me to clean and prep his brushes and boards most days. After I married I took some time out. This was the case several times a week even after I married, I always prepared dads surfaces for painting, and we would sit,(actually stand mostly) and paint listening to handles Messiah or similar, or Dad often loved to  listen to the Bible on tape whilst working. My poor husband has made me studios, but I only feel comfortable in Dad’s studio, were I still work and paint today, as I always have.

My father "Pro" would have to be the greatest influence on my work, as early as 5 years of age, I can remember he would encourage me to paint with him in his studio. My scenes are both real and imaginary. On occasions I work from photographs that I have taken while I have been travelling. The landscape around Broken Hill both compliments and reflects my style of painting, I like to recapture the harsh summer colours, especially the violet blue heat hazes we get here so often, although I also enjoy painting the subtle colours of winter when they come.

Spending time with my husband and children, Amber, Ebony and Jordan is something I enjoy. Gardening and cooking are real passions of mine. Trips to the Menindee Lake Scheme (only 1 hour away), is something that helps me capture the pioneering spirit in many of my paintings. I get a lot of inspiration from the river gums, landscape and architecture of this area.

My favorite artists include; my father Pro, Claude Monet, Tom Roberts, Fred McCubbin and Arthur Streeton. I admire their interpretation of the landscape. My favorite painting would have to be “The Pioneers" by Fred McCubbin, the true colours and subject really appeal to me.

I am not comfortable being the centre of attention, and don’t like the spotlight as such, so I decline most invitations to exhibit and or to be interviewed. Somehow my husband occassionally manages to coask me into one , Grrrrr.

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